If you are not happy with our rates, don't ask us to inquire
There is a certain customer called 'David' who kept sending links on Carousell HK. He knows the fees because he has purchased before, which I refunded because the seller refused to ship. I have also explained time and again what my rates are (and it is also on this website) .
Anyway fast forward to these past few days.
He asked us to inquire on this item

Final price it’s not worth for me with this price. Crazy for the tournament of the restringed member and the two pieces of the member who didn’t respond :(
- David
I let it go this time but he sent more links. I reminded him via e-mail:
Also with my fees it'll be 10400. So if this is too expensive we don't have to proceed
Yet David kept sending me links to inquire .When finally the sellers agreed to ship (even those who didn't want to ship), David says they are too expensive and my fees are too expensive.
If that's the case why do you contact me ? I have already told you what our fees are. Everything is on the website.
(Also David has not figured out that we are more than person. He has not figured out that there has to be a person in HK to physically receive the items. )
Do not contact me to talk to sellers if you think I am too expensive. Go somewhere else please and don't waste my time.