EMS Shipping Agreement
Track your item here :
1) If you didn't specify a company name, your name repeats because there is a mandatory field for company. We have always entered the recipient's name and it has caused no problem.
2) We always need a value. Only boxes containing documents don't need a value specified.
Yes, even gifts require a value.
Yes, even gifts require a value.
Yes, even gifts require a value.
Why ? See 3) and 4)
If you don't specify a value we will use the real value and to edit this will cost 350 yen.
3) The amount can be used by your country's customs to tax you. We have no control over this. It is 100% their discretion.
4) The amount is also the basis of your insurance coverage. This is also the maximum amount you can claim from your local post office should there by any damages or loss of your item. The post office handling your claim will have the final say on how much to compensate you.
NOTE: For Registered Air Parcels - the maximum amount you can claim is 6000 yen, whatever value you declare.
5) In the past, when issues arise with shipping or delivery , the issue has always been with the post office of the destination country, not Japan Post.In this case, we cannot help you contact your local post office due to cost of overseas calls /language barriers/ timezones. We cannot serve as you your post office's help desk. Once it is outside of Japan and problems arise, please contact your post office directly. Anyway , Japan Post will only compensate if it is proven to have been damaged or lost in Japan , which in our history of operations, has never happened.
We can only file a claim with Japan Post if the box is proven to have been lost or damaged in Japan. We can help only if the accident happened within Japan.
6) Also please remember that shipping is not refundable. We cannot refund because you were gone for too long or that your post office failed to notify you of your delivery (as is happening with some European and Middle Eastern countries at the moment. Check here : https://www.instagram.com/p/DA5aIkUvBzw/?img_index=1 ).
If an item is returned to us, the shipping fee will not be refunded to us so we cannot refund you your item cost or the cost of shipping. We can hold on to your item until when you are ready to ship or we can use another courier.
7) Make sure there are no mistakes on your label as it will be difficult to change once it has been shipped. If we need to edit it, the tracking will also change.
8) If the mistake on the label is our fault, we can edit the mistaken parts for free. If the mistake is on your side or if you change your mind, we charge 350 yen for additional labor .
9) The amount given to you is not set in stone .It can be more or less this number. You might have to top up or we might have to refund you. We do not make money off shipping .
10) We cannot guarantee shipping times .From Japan, 100% of our boxes reach their recipients but some do take their time.
Registered air parcels are cheaper and will take longer than EMS.
11) There will be no record when the item is in transit. We cannot give you updates - we can see only what is on the tracking website. You will also get notifications from them via email.
12) Customs offices of some countries like India open the boxes. We have proven time and again from conversations with our customers that they sometimes do not return all the items in the boxes. If there is a loss or damages due to this, we cannot compensate you.
We cannot stop customs office from opening your box. We asked Japan Post about this and this is what they said :
We don't do it in Japan so it seems weird to us but actually it is their right to open the boxes.
13) Please give us 72 hours to scan the receipt and send you a copy by email or 120 hours if shipped on Friday .
14) If you understand this, please send the payment we are invoicing you for. Paying means you understand and agree to all of these conditions.
*15) To switch to Fedex when the label has been made, we charge 500 yen.