EMS and UPS Labels
Necessary details for an EMS Label
The recipient's name (required):
Country (required) :
Address 2 (required):
City (required):
State :
Postal code :
Phone number : ( In some countries , they call the recipients )
Email : (This is so you can get automated tracking updates from Japan Post)
Do I declare as a gift or as commercial goods ?
The value of your box : (Even as a gift, this is required. This is both for customs and insurance reasons. Without a value, I cannot press the 'next' button.)
Necessary details for a UPS Label
Postal Code:
Phone number :
The Consignee's Name :
Do I declare as a gift or as commercial goods ?
Value for customs : (Even as a gift, this is required. This is both for customs and insurance reasons.)
The labels have to be perfect or they might get returned to me. If you give me wrong information and it got returned due to that, you will have to pay for shipping again.