How does it work ?

STEP 1 : Search for a product online on any of the websites listed below. You can also search on any other website not listed here but that ships only in Japan. 

Basically, I charge a 20% or  as fees on top of the listed price, except for items less than 1000 yen and bulk items. The updated price list is here.  If there is a shipping fee from the warehouse in Japan to me, that will be excluded from the 20% mark-up. 

STEP 2 : Use the form here to send the product details. You can contact me on Facebook and Instagram as well. I reply quickly unless it's night time in Japan. 

STEP 3 : Pay.

Unless you're a buyer I have worked with before, I don't purchase unless the money is in my account.

All about Payments here 

I only accept friends and family on Paypal due to issues with scammers in the past. If you are a new buyer and you sent money via goods and services, you will be refunded.  

 STEP 4  : Tell me when you have paid. 

You can also send me a message to my Facebook and Instagram accounts :

 STEP 5  :  Check your items on my Facebook or Instagram and leave feedback :) or :( 

I usually reply within 24 hours.  I will also confirm your purchase and send you a spreadsheet. After this, we wait  until your item has arrived. 

Please keep checking my Facebook or Instagram account for the photos of your items. But don't worry, I will also contact you once I have uploaded the photos of your items.   I need you to tell me if it's a :) or :( .

If you want to leave a :( you need to give me a very good reason why. 

We need to leave feedback to the sellers as soon as possible. Some sellers get angry if  I don't leave feedback.  I get blocked and my account can get restricted.

 STEP 6:  If you want to shop again, start from step 1. 

 STEP 7 :  Tell me if you want to have your items shipped.

You need to tell me if you want to ship right away or if you want to keep buying. Where can I ship and how is always changing due to the war and corona. Please check All About Shipping 

For everyone's peace of mind, I do not offer untracked shipping or sea freight. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. Don't work with me if you want to send unregistered parcels. 

 Once I have shipped your packages, I will send you  a copy of the receipt. 

The tracking for EMS starts with EN. The tracking for UPS is on the top of the waybill. 

STEP 8 : Track your package through these sites :

For Japan Post : EMS Trace 

For UPS : 荷物お問い合わせシステム (while still in Japan) / UPS Tracking (outside of Japan)

It means your packages might not appear in the UPS tracking if it is still in Japan.